نام آزمایش : Hep Par1 (HSA) (IHC)
هزینه آزمایش : 0 ریال
وضعیت ارائه آزمایش : تا اطلاع ثانوی این کیت آزمایش موجود نمی باشد
نوع نمونه :
Tissue Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block
حجم نمونه :
2 Unstained positively charged glass slide (25- x 75- x 1-mm) per test ordered; sections 4-microns thick
اطلاعات بالینی :
Hep par-1 is a reliable immunohistochemical marker for cases of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). Hepatocyte Specific Antigen (HSA) is considered specific for normal and neoplastic hepatocytes . Expression has been demonstrated consistently in the majority of hepatocellular carcinomas . Studies have shown HSA can be used in a panel with Glypican-3, CEA, CK7, AFP and CD10
عوامل مداخله گر :
Age of a cut paraffin section can affect immunoreactivity. Stability thresholds vary widely among published literature and are antigen dependent. Best practice is for paraffin sections to be cut within 6 weeks.
موارد عدم پذیرش نمونه :
Wet/frozen tissue
Cytology smears
Nonformalin fixed tissue
Nonparaffin embedded tissue
Noncharged slides
ProbeOn slides