اسم الاختبار: MIC2 (CD99) (IHC)
تكلفة الاختبار: 0 ریال
حالة عرض الاختبار: حتى إشعار آخر، مجموعة الاختبار هذه غير متوفرة
نوع العينة:
Tissue Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block
حجم العينة:
2 Unstained positively charged glass slide (25- x 75- x 1-mm) per test ordered; sections 4-microns thick.
المعلومات السريرية:
CD99 (cluster of differentiation 99) is the product of the MIC2 gene. It is expressed in normal tissues including some lymphocytes, pancreatic islet cells, granulosa cells of the ovary, Sertoli cells of the testis, and ependymal cells of the central nervous system. It is strongly expressed in Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor, distinguishing it from other small round blue cell tumors of childhood and adolescence.
العوامل المتداخلة:
Age of a cut paraffin section can affect immunoreactivity. Stability thresholds vary widely among published literature and are antigen dependent. Best practice is for paraffin sections to be cut within 6 weeks.
حالات عدم قبول العينات:
Wet/frozen tissue
Cytology smears
Nonformalin fixed tissue
Nonparaffin embedded tissue
Noncharged slides
ProbeOn slides