اسم الاختبار: Myoglobin (IHC)
تكلفة الاختبار: 0 ریال
حالة عرض الاختبار: موجود
نوع العينة:
Tissue Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block
حجم العينة:
2 Unstained positively charged glass slide (25- x 75- x 1-mm) per test ordered; sections 4-microns thick.
المعلومات السريرية:
Marker of skeletal and cardiac muscle Myoglobin is found in skeletal and cardiac muscle, but not in smooth muscle, and functions as an oxygen transporting pigment. Antibodies to myoglobin may be useful in the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcomas, but the proportion of positive cells may be small and may be distributed unevenly in the section. Staining for myoglobin is not seen in carcinomas or in other sarcomas. Anti-myoglobin staining is also useful when demonstrating rhabdomyoblastic differentiation in other tumours, e.g. neurogenic sarcomas, and malignant mixed mesodermal tumours of the uterus and ovary
العوامل المتداخلة:
Age of a cut paraffin section can affect immunoreactivity. Stability thresholds vary widely among published literature and are antigen dependent. Best practice is for paraffin sections to be cut within 6 weeks.
حالات عدم قبول العينات:
Wet/frozen tissue
Cytology smears
Nonformalin fixed tissue
Nonparaffin embedded tissue
Noncharged slides
ProbeOn slides
وقت الإجابة: 10-7 روز